Unit 3: Teen stress and pressure (B. Vocabulary & grammar) trang 20 – Sách bài tập tiếng anh 9 – Chương trình mới

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Unit 3 Teen stress and pressure


Bài 1 Choose the word that DOES NOT fit in the sentences.

1. You may feel ………………….before taking an important exam.


2. You have finished your exam, and you think you did quite well. You may feel …………………..(realaxed/depressed/calm/confident)

3. You have a problem with your classmates at school and you don’t know who to talk to. You may feel ………………….. (worried/delighted/stressed/depressed)

4. You are asked to fìx a broken bicycle Chain and you are not sure what to do.You may feel………………….. . (confused/frustrated/happy/embarrassed)

5. You have moved to a new school and you know nobody there. You may feel …………………… (depressed/left-out/delighted/stressed)

6. You notice something strange happening to your body when you start your adolescence. You may feel ……………………
(embarrassed/confused/left-out/ worried)

Bài 2 Match the verbs in A to the nouns in B.

Bài 3 Use the phrases created in to complete the following sentences.

1. Recognising your feelings is a way to_______ .

2. Our teacher said we should _______ such as sleeping at least eight hours a night, and exercising regularly.

3. ‘I’m fighting with my sister again! It feels like we can never_______ our _______!’

4. ‘Don’t act too quickly! You should consider both the good points and bad points in order to_______ .!’ mỵ father advised me.

5. He is a very wise man. He knows when to _______ and vvhen to wait.

6. ‘When you are in trouble, who do you _______?’ asked the survey.

Bài 4 Match the skill to the example.

Bài 5 Turn the following statements into indirect/reported speech.

1. ‘Have you seen her recently?’ asked Thanh.


2. ‘Last night I couldn’t sleep!’ she said.


3. ‘I am on my way,’ he said.


4. ‘We want to send our son to a university in the UK,’ they said.


5. ‘Have you ever tried calling a helpline?’ the teacher asked Ngoc.


6. ‘Tell Emma I miss her very much,’ she told me.


Bài 6 Turn the following sentences into direct speech.

1 He advised me to visit the company’s website.


2. They said he hadn’t come to the meeting.


3. She asked if I wanted to become a doctor.


4. They said the support Service would be set up in December.


5. My mother said she had sent me the book the week before.


6. He asked if it was too late to apply for the course.


Bài 7 Rewrite the following sentences usỉng question words before fo-infinitives:

1. ‘When should I start the computer?’ Nguyen asked his teacher.

—> Nguyen asked ________________________________

2. I don’t really know what I should say in my graduation speech.
Can you help me?

—> I don’t really know ______________________________ Can you help me?

3. They can’t decide what theỵ should do in this situation.

—>They can’t decide _______________________________

4. ‘Should I tell this to her?’ he asked himself.

—> He wondered __________________________________

5. She was not sure who she should contact.

—> She was not sure________________________________

6. ‘Where can I find more information about this?’ he asked.

—> He didn’t knovv__________________________________

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