Unit 8 Tourism-Giải Bài tập nâng cao Tiếng Anh 9 chương trình mới

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Unit 8 Tourism



1. C             2. A             3. D               4. B              5. C


1. Trip

2. Tour

3. Cruise

4. Destination

5. Luggage

6. Caravan

7. Resort

8. Ticket

9. Buffet

10. Harbour


1. Decisions

2. Reasonable

3. Unluckily

4. Attractions

5. Inaccessible

6. Explorers

7. Challenging

8. Affordable

9. Discoveries

10. Adventurous


1. An              2.0                  3. the                  4. a                     5. the

6. the            7. the               8. the                  9. a                    10. the

11.0               12. the             13. the                 14. a                   15. a


1. Check-in

2. Package tours

3. Take-offs

4. Hand luggage

5. Sleeping bag

6. Stopover

7. Round trip

8. Boarding pass

9. Jet lag

10. Low season


1. Because it brings money to them / Because it provides them with money to help their people survive.

2. Means of transportation (such as planes, buses, boats) carrying travellers and tourists cause pollution.

3. They use a lot of water and electricity.

4. Because it is often difficult or impossible for them to recycle items.

5. We shouldn’t throw rubbish on streets, beaches or in the countryside. We shouldn’t use too much water or electricity. We shouldn’t buy any products made from endangered species. (Choose any of two)


1. Made up her mind

2. Are not into travelling

3. Am not interested in

4. Is the highest mountain in

5. Are required to access


1. More new restaurants and hotels will be built in our town to accommodate the increasing number of tourists.

2. Although Canberra is the capital of Australia, it isn’t so/ as popular with tourists as Sydney.

3. While mass tourism does not have any negative effects on developed countries, it can have harmful effects on underdeveloped areas of the world.

4. Yesterday we took a bus to a small town on the coast and we found a hotel with a beautiful view of the sea.

5. Sustainable tourism is tourism attempting / that attempts to make as low impact on the environment and local culture as possible.

XI. Sample

Tourism can have some negative effects on the quality of life of the host community. First, too many tourists can cause lifestyle changes of the local residents. For example, alternation in local travel patterns to avoid tourist congestion and the avoidance of downtown shopping can damage a community socially and culturally. Second, there is the problem related to culture and custom changes. As local ethnic cultures alert to fit the needs of tourism, traditional and cultural practices may change. Third, hotels, restaurants and shops can push tourism development into residential areas, forcing changes on the physical structure of a community. In conclusion, the development of tourism can cause drawbacks to the local community. (113 words)


1. D             2. C                   3. A                   4. B                        5. E

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