Lesson 35 – Unit 12 – Speaking, Writing – Water Sports – Tiếng anh lớp 12

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Đáp án unit 12 bài tập tiếng anh lớp 12


Exercise 1. Read the names of the water sports. For each water sport, answer the questions in the dialogue that follow.

scuba-diving windsurfing swimming
canoeing water polo synchronized swimming


A: Where is windsurfing played?

B: ______________________________________________________

A: Is it played with equipment?


A: Do people participate in it individually or as part of a team?

B: ______________________________________________________

Exercise 2. Discuss the answers to the following questions.

1. Which of the water sports would you like to take part in? Why?

2. In what ways can water sports be dangerous?

3. How can they be made safer?

Exercise 3. Tell your partner about a type of water sport, using the following suggestions.

  • Type of water sport you would like to take part in
  • Place to play it
  • Equipment to play with
  • Number of players / performers participating
  • How to play / perform safely


Exercise 1. Change the following active sentences to passive if possible. Some of the verbs are intransitive and cannot be changed. Keep the same tense.


My uncle will meet you at the airport.

You will be met at the airport by my uncle.

Our plane will land at 6 p.m.

No change

1. The chef will prepare the food.


2 John is working at the bakery.


3. Lightning didn’t cause the fire.


4. We walked downtown after work yesterday.


5. Thousands of people ride the subway every day.


6. The baby was crying in the room.


7. Joe fell down on his way to school this morning.


8. A special committee is going to settle the dispute.


9. Our house guests are going to arrive tomorrow afternoon.


10. Our plan succeeded at last.


11. Did the army surround the enemy?


12. What happened in class yesterday?


Exercise 2. Write instructions for a warming up exercise before swimming, using the sets of Vietnamese instructions and words /phrases below.

– Đứng thẳng, chân sang ngang một chút, hai tay chống bên hông – stand/ feet apart
– Ngửa đầu về đằng sau, mắt nhìn thẳng lên trời. – hands on hips
– Cúi đầu về phía trước, mắt nhìn xuống sàn nhà – tip head back
– Đầu quay hướng mặt về bên phải sau đó quay sang trái – look straight up
– Trở về vị trí ban đầu – nod head/ face the floor
  – roll head/ face the right/ left
  – put down arms


Xem thêm Unit 13 – Reading – The {22}^{ND} Sea Games tại


Đáp án


Exercise 1.

 1. The food will be prepared by the chef.

2. No change

3. The fire wasn’t caused by lightning.

4. No change

5. The subway is ridden by thousands of people every day.

6. No change

7. No change

8. The dispute is going to be settled by a special committee.

9. No change

10. No change

11. Was the enemy surrounded by the army?

12. No change

Exercise 2.

Stand with your feet apart and hands on your hips. Tip your head back, looking straight up. Nod your head to face the floor. Then roll your head, facing the right and then the left. Finally put down your arms to the first position.

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