Unit 4. Our customs and traditions – Bài tập bổ trợ nâng cao Tiếng Anh 8 (P1)

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Bài tập bổ trợ và nâng cao Tiếng Anh 8




Our customs and traditions


Clusters: /spr/, /str/


– Review: modals (should/ shouldn’t)

– Modals: have to + infinitive


– Types of customs and traditions

– Expressions with “custom” and “tradition”


– Reading and talking about family customs and traditions

– Listening to and writing about customs and traditions of an ethnic minority group


I. Choose the word having the underlined part pronounced differently in each line.

1. A. sprng B. strpe c. strct D. newsprnt
2. A. stranger B.sprag c. astronaut D. misprogramme
3. A. espresso B. pedestrian c. strength D. respray
4. A. stroll B. overspread c. disprove D. stroke
5. A. sprung B. trustrate c. structure D. spruce

II. Complete the words under the pictures with str or spr, then read the words aloud.

Unit 4 bài tập tiếng anh

III. Match the pictures with the customs and traditions.

 Unit 4 bài tập tiếng anh

Unit 4 bài tập tiếng anh

VI. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

break    chopsticks         custom    generations     manners

residents respect   shoes    tradition worshipping

1. In Viet Nam, we follow the tradition of__________________________________ the ancestors.

2. You should take off your__ before going into a Japanese house.

3. In my family there is a__ of having dinner together at 7.30 Sharp.

4. We shouldn’t_______ with this tradition because it reflects our culture and lifestyle.

5. You should place the_____ on top of the rice bowl when you finish a meal in Viet Nam.

6. There is a British____ of having afternoon tea at 4 p.m.

7. We cook five-coloured sticky rice on the first of every lunar month, and our family has followed this tradition for___ .

8. According to our tradition, you should______________________________ old people.

9. In our community, it’s the custom for the to clean the streets on Sunday mornings.

10. You should learn about British table so you can feel comfortable at dinner.

V. Match the informatin in  Column  A with the customs and traditions in Column B.

A. In japan

Column A Column B
1.  When you are on the train…

2.  When you meet someone…

3.     When you have meals with the Japanese….

4.  When you are in a restaurant…

5.  When you are given a gift…

a.  you should yell to get a waiter’s attention.

b. you shouldn’t tumble with your chopsticks.

c.  you shouldn’t talk too loudly.

d.  you shouldn’t open it in font of the giver.

e.  you should bow to greet them.


B. In Brazil

Column A Column B
1.  When men greet one another…

2.  When you don’t bring a gift to a hostess who invites you to dinner…

3.  When you receive a present…

4.  Women who greet their friends…

5.   When negotiating with a Brazilian…

a.  you should open it immediately.

b.   you shouldn’t forget to send her flowers the next day.

c.  should kiss each other’s cheek.

d. you shouldn’t  rush them or appear impatient.

e.  they should shake hands and maintain eye contact.


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