THE READING HABIT – Những bài luận Tiếng anh hay nhất

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(Mr. Berry has a talk with miss Kent on the reading habit).

Mr. Berry

Fm told, Miss Kent, that you read a great deal. And, I take the liberty of saying that many of your friends call you a bibliophile(1). a book-lover. May I know why you love books so much, and the benefits you have derived(2) from your reading habit?

Miss Kent

Well, to begin with, I wasn’t aware of what my friends were thinking of me; but I’m indeed honoured to be known as a bibliophile. (They laugh together).

Mr. Berry

A very special respectable nickname indeed, if I may say so. I wish had earned that sobriquet(3).

Miss Kent

Now, let me tell you why I love books so much. It’s mainly because of the language in which books are written. Briefly, I love the language used in books. It fascinates(4) me. It brings me closer to all humanity and increases my love for the human race. I see the beauty of simple words, and expressions that come from the human heart and mind. They, in turn(5), reflect the beauty and power of the human mind which is capable(6) of any thought. Besides, the more I read, the more I realise the depth of my ignorance of words and the human mind, God’s greatest gift to man. The language used to express human thoughts and ideas, and the human mind, in many books, is indeed exquisite(7).

Mr. Berry

Aren’t you interested in the subject matter a book deals with?

Miss Kent

Yes, I’m interested in it, but to a lesser degree.

Mr. Berry

Would you explain why?

Miss Kent

Well, when I was a student the subject matter of any book I read was more important than the language in which it was written, because I had to pass in that subject in some examination. Now, having completed my studies, I feel I need a greater power of verbal expression than knowledge of subjects which are not related to my work. As you know, command of language is very essential to success in life. And, I must say at this point I have derived a number of benefits from my reading habit, facility(8) of expression being the main.

Mr. Berry

Aren’t you interested in the subject matter a book deals with?

Miss Kent

Yes, I’m interested in it, but to a lesser degree.

Mr. Berry

Would you explain why?

Miss Kent

Well, when I was a student the subject matter of any book I read was more important than the language in which it was written, because I had to pass in that subject in some examination. Now, having completed my studies, I feel I need a greater power of verbal expression than knowledge of subjects which are not related to my work. As you know, command of language is very essential to success in life. And, I must say at this point I have derived a number of benefits from my reading habit, facility(8) of expression being the main.

Mr. Berry

I must agree with you. Command of language is indeed very important to a person who associates(9) with all kinds of people and is involved in all kinds of work. To be frank(10), I often find myself at a loss for words in many situations.

Miss Kent

You must excuse me now. I’ve an appointment to keep. Do pardon me if I seem rude.

Mr. Berry

Sure, Miss Kent. I must thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk to you.


  1. bibliophile  (n) người ham sách
  2. derive (v) nhận được từ, thu được từ
  3. sobriquet  (n) biệt hiệu
  4. fascinate (v) quyến rũ
  5. in turn (adv) tuần tự
  6. capable  (adj) có khả năng
  7. exquisite  (adj) thâm thúy
  8. facility  (n) điều kiện dễ dàng
  9. associate  (v) kết giao, kết bạn với, giao thiệp với
  10. frank  (adj) thẳng thắn, thật thà




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