Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian – Thực hành – Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh

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Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian


I. Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions.

  1. We need to preserve food for the time__ ____food shortages happen.
  2. Rates of obesity increase____too much junk food is eaten.
  3. He had just drifted off to sleep____the phone rang.
  4. She went on crying, with her head sunk into a pillow, and cried ___and cried the pillow was wet through.
  1. ____many international students are studying in the us, a very small

percentage of American students are doing their study at foreign countries.

  1. ____he had been appointed to the position, he had several suggestions to enhance sale promotion.
  1. The Nobel prize winning candidates will be staying in Sweden ____the

presentation is over.

  1. Men have been interested in the stars even____they first looked up into the sky.
  2. Light from the sun has been traveling for about 91,402,000 miles____it

finally reaches us.

  1. ____ I had got the worst scores in the last exam, I was careful not to make the same mistake again.
  1. ___you start any business, it is a good idea to write a detail plan.

12. ____the sun sets, the shadows lengthen. Kelman had a book published in the us more than a decade

13. ____a British publisher would touch him.

  1. __ __I met the Gills, I had been gardening for nearly ten years.
  2. ______World War II happened, women were not recruited as intelligence officers
  3. Racing was canceled for an hour ___the track was being repaired.
  4. Josef Stalin had been ruling the Soviet Union for 25 years___he died in 1953.
  5. Stir the mixture with a spoon____the sugar has dissolved.
  6. Never apply water to a burn from an electric shock____the casualty is still in contact with the electric current.
  7. The two ministers have never had a talk, but may do so ____they will be meeting in New York next week.

II. Supply the correct verb forms.

  1. Before Johnson & Smith 1____(reach) great heights in the busỉness world,they 2_____ (encounter) many great diíĩìculties in promoting their theories and methods.
  1. The Earth’s clỉmate always 1____(change), long before human beings 2.

(evolve)! There 3.____(be) warmer and colder periods. For example, in

the last ice age, 20,000 years ago, it 4____(be) about 9°c colder than it 5.

_____ (be) now.

  1. After the Boston revolution 1 (break) up in September 1774, the colonies 2______ (begin) to separate from the mother country. A Continental Congress 3______ (organize) at Philadelphia in May 1775 to establish an independent government. One of the first questions before the delegates 4       (be) how to convey and deliver the mail.
  1. Last summer, after I 1.____ (spend) a diữìcult semester, I 2.____

(be) eager to return home. The Aight 3.____(take) me about ten hours

and I 4.______ (arrive) at the airport at midnight so I 5.____(be)

very tired and sleepy. While I 6.___(wait) for my mother, suddenly a

woman who 7._____ (look) like her 8._____ (come) towards me. I(embrace) and 10. (kiss) her, but to my surprise, she 11 ____(not/be) my mother. 12_________ (lose) my contact lenses when I 13______ (be) on the plane.

  1. Sincemovies 1______ (appear) inabout 1915,they 2____(be) shortand

programmes 3_____ (be) simple. After w. Griffith and others 4_____

(begin) to make longer films with more interesting scenes, more and more people 5_______ (become) interested in movies. After World War 16____(end),

many theaters 7____ (have) to be closed.

  1. In the present globalized world, we 1.____(live) in the era of advanced

technology. Every part of our daily life 2____ (be) related to technology in

one or other way. When we 3____(compare) today with the old days, we 4.

_____ (get) better íacilities and even better luxuries with the help of increased


  1. It 1._____ (be) over two years now, but I still 2.____ (remember)

every detail of that day. It 3.____ (be) a beautiful warm sunny clear

sky day. I 4. ______  (not/know) what would await me that morning.

After I 5._____ (get) off my car, I 6.______ (find) that the building

  1. (be) being evacuated and no one could tell me the reason. I

could not find anyone that I 8.___ (work) with. There were hundreds

of people just gathering around. No one 9.____(know) exactly what

  1.  (happen). Then someone 11. ______  (say) that there

12______ (be) a timing bomb in the building and the police 13 (try)

to dispose it.

  1. When Cristina Sanchez 1__ (be) a little girl, she 2_____(love) to

watch her father Aghtbulls. She 3_____(know) that bullfighting 4____

(be) a dangerous profession and that there were no women bullíìghters in Spain. However, she still 5___ (want) to become a matador, to follow in her father’s footsteps. At the age of twelve, Cristina 6     ____(start) practicing with bulls. Her father was totally opposed to her íuture plans. “It’s impossible. Women do not become bullfighters,” he said, but Cristina 7  ____(insist), “I don’t want the role of atraditional woman.” Finally, her íather 8 (change) his mind and

9_______ (become) her trainer. Everything 10.____(not/be) not easy

for her. She ever 11.___ (hurt) by the bulls many times. Now Cristina

12______ (be) a star in her country. As the first female matador, she is very

íamous. However, up to now not all people 13         (approve) of her work.

Some male matadors 14___ (refuse) to share the bullring with her, and

she often 15.___ (hear) insults from the audience. She said, “When I hear

insults from the crowd, I even try harder. I want to get more recognition.”

  1. In the 1840s, the island of Ireland 1_____(suffer) íamine. Because Ireland could not produce enough food to feed its population, about one million people_____(die) of starvation. They simply 3 ____(not/have) enough food to stay alive. The íamine 4____(cause) 1.25 million people to emigrate; many 5 (leave) their island home for the United States, and the rest 6._____  (go) to Canada, Australia, Chile, and other countries. Before the famine 7.______ (break) out, the population of Ireland 8.____(be) approximately 6 million. After the great food shortage 9_____(happen), it was about 4 million. Famine 10_____(not/be) strange in human history. A famine usually 11. (be) more than one cause. Disease, drought – long periods of time without raining, flood – a time when fields are covered with water, violent storms, war, and other human activities 12  (be) causes of famine.
  1. Albert Einstein 1___ (write) that “if the bee 2_____(disappear) off the surface of the globe, then man would have only four years of lỉfe left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man.” And the honey bee 3____ (disappear). Why? We do not know why. All around the world bees are disappearing and bees pollinate our plants. We 4____ (cut) down íorests and plundering the oceans. We 5  ____(pollute) the soil, the air and the water and rapidly running out of fresh water to drink. Water is now being sold for more than the equivalent amount of gasoline.

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