Answer keys Practice and Test – Tuần 33 – Bài tập cuối tuần Tiếng Anh 8 – Tập 2

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Answer keys Practice and Test

I. (0,2 X 10 = 2đ)

1.was sleeping, rang

2. went

3. sitting

4. was discovered

5. didn’t understand, repeating

6. will say, sees, has made

II. (0,2×5 = 1đ)


2.  C             

3.  A                    

4.  C

III. (0,2 X 5 = 1đ)

1. ease, anxiety                   

2. informative

3. friendly                            

4. difference(s)

IV. (0,2 X 5 = 1đ)

1.C (is bleeding)

2. D (in a minute)

3. B (open)

4. B (put)

5. C (are mixed with)

V. (0,2×5 = 1đ)

1. in                

2.  in             

3.  On                

4.  of               

5. of

VI. (0,4 X 5 =2đ)

1.many different kinds of fish in

2. her 30 minutes to cook

3. was invented by Frederick Koening

4. what time I thought the competition would

5. the bums immediately in order to minimize

VII. (0,4 X 5 = 2đ)

1.We should go to our nearest travel agent.

2. After checking everything on the Computer screen.

3. It contains all iníòrmation about bookings and destinations.

4. Because other bookings are made in other parts of the world.

5. To confirm the booking, the Computer will ask for our name and address as well as for certain other information.

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