Looking Back + Project – trang 28 Unit 2 Relationships? Sách Giáo Khoa Tiếng Anh 11 mới

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Unit 2 : Relationships?

                     Looking Back + Project



By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:


– reviewing pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar


Listening, writing


– being aware of teenage relationship problems

 Looking Back


Bài 1. Underline the words which could be contracted in these exchanges.

(Gạch dưới những từ có thể viết tắt trong những lời hội thoại này.)



1.A: she is = she’s

2.A: I am = I’m                                                B: You have = You’ve

3.It would = It’d                                             B: can not = can’t, he is = he is

4.A: It is = It’s, will not = won’t                  B: do not = don’t

Bài 2. Listen to check your answers. (Nghe để kiểm tra lại câu trả lời của em)

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A:  My teacher will phone to say if she’s coming to the party.

B: I hope she is.


A: I’m not sure if I’ll pass the exam.

B: But I am. You’ve worked so hard.


A: It’d be better for him to talk to his parents about his problems.

B: He can’t because he’s living with his grandpa.


A: It’s difficult to read your handwriting. Our teacher won’t accept your paper.

B; I hope she does. 1 don’t have lime to type it.


Bài 1. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words or phrases in the box. (Hoàn thành các câu sau bằng dạng đúng của từ / cụm từ cho trong khung.)




2.lend an ear

3.romantic relationships

4.meet face to face

5.broke up

6.be in a relationship


Bài 1. Put the words in the correct order to make questions. (Sắp xếp các từ sau thứ tự đúng để tạo thành câu hỏi.)



1.How did Peter feel when his girlfriend broke up with him?

2.will I look if I cut my hair short?

3.How did you feel when you lost the game?

4.How dis Martin’s voice sound in the live show on TV last nicht?

5.How does your soup taste?

6.How would you feel if you had no friends?

Bài 2. Write the answers to the questions in 1, using the suggested words. (Dùng từ gợi ý để trả lời những câu hỏi ở bài tập 1.)



1.He felt depressed.

2.You’ll look attractive.

3.I felt disappointed.

4.His voice sounded awful.

5.It tastes great.

6.I’d feel lonely.

Bài 3. Join the two parts to make cleft sentences. (Nối hai phần câu để tạo thành câu nhấn mạnh.)




It was me that started arguing with Jim.


It’s travelling around the world that has helped me to learn about other cultures.


It’s on Friday that Sue usually visits her grandmother.


It’s his attitude towards others that really upsets me.


It’s John that is always telling lies.


It was my old friend that 1 got the news from.


It was in Paris that I started my first romantic relationship.


Bài 1. Your group is going to take part in a storytelling contest organised by your school. Each group member tells a story about friendship or teacher-student relationships. Think about the following questions. (Nhóm em sắp tham gia cuộc thi kể chuyện do trường em tổ chức.  Mỗi một thành viên trong nhóm kể một câu chuyện về tình bạn, hoặc mối quan hệ thầy-trò. Hãy suy nghĩ về những câu hỏi gợi ý dưới đây.)

– When and where did it happen?

– What happened to the people in the story?

– What do you like most about the story, or what lessons can you learn from the story?

Bài 2. Your group chooses the best story which meets the following criteria. (Nhóm em chọn ra câu chuyện hay nhất mà thỏa mãn được những tiêu chí dưới đây.)

– Content: interesting and relevant to the topic; convevino, a moral message.

(Nội dung: hay và phù hợp với chủ đề, chuyển tải được thông điệp đạo đức.)

– Use of expressive voice, facial expression and gestures, mime, pace, rhythm, eye contact and engagement with the audience.

(Có giọng kể diễn cảm, diễn tả nét mặt, cử chi, điệu bộ, nhịp điệu, ánh mắt và sự lôi cuốn người nghe.)





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